Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aftermath Part 2

Our presentation went well today and we got ourselves to the final 3. We are battling with 2 big agencies at the same time. Hope we can get this job in the end. Besides the worked we presented that brought us to the final, I think there is another element that does the wonders too. I believe is this.

I guess this is one of the reason we got ourselves to the final. The fashion to success!

Heineken Commercial


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Revenge of The Fallen

Cool trailer. Can't wait for it's release here.



Got myself a Naruto DVD chapter 1-100. To some I might be a bit late watching this anime. I have known this anime long time ago, but did not pursue to watch it due to getting not much review from friends. Not until I got some glimpse from Cartoon Network. I manage to watch 1 episode and it drags my interest instantly!

The anime was cool and humorous at the same time. So far I've watched till chapter 18 I think. The dubbing is in Cantonese (which I like). I don't mind in English too...but better in Cantonese. Until now, I still couldn't catch their names. I only remember Naruto and Satsuke if the spelling is correct. I can remember more in their Chinese name though since the dubbing is in Cantonese.

Naruto even got my wife hooked into it. How interesting!


Wish List 2

Here comes the 2nd chapter of my wish list. And it's everyone's favorite Apple iMac. This fella here has some nice setup. It's fast enough for my everyday's work. I work as an Art Director in an ad agency. So most of my work is mostly on prints and web. I'm using one now in my office. Very nice to use, no virus problem, no "blue screen", no "Control, Alternate, Delete" and etc. And most of all, a wonderful operating system; the MacOSX.

I have one Powerbook G4, but the speed is just not up to my standard. I know the time has passed and so has the technology. So I got a HP laptop. The speed is definitely faster than my G4 but the screen is slightly smaller, 1 inch smaller.

So to get the iMac, I get larger screen for my work. Faster processor and more RAM will definitely benefits me on my work. :) But if can, I might wait up for an update on iMac range. Hopefully the next Macworld we might be seeing some new iMac on the stage. Lastly hope Jobs get recovered quickly to disclose his wonderful product to the Mac fans.

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Brawn GP Rocks!

Earlier this year Ross Brawn has his own team of F1 (Brawn GP) in which the team was formally a Honda BAR. He got the same drivers (Jenson Button and Rubens Barichello). Initially I was reluctant if this team can be competitive on the track. To my suprise, they did not just outruned the top teams but also gotten first place in 3 different occassion. It was a shocked to the other teams also, especially McLaren and Ferrari. Hope Brawn GP can continue its dominance in the next race and future.

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Bitter Sweet Part 4

Yes! Finally I'm free from taking the chinese medicine! But I still need to keep my diet in mind so that my gastric will not visit me again.

Watchful Eyes 2

Finally I got to watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine! The movie was great in terms of how Logan got his adamantium skeleton. The fight and effect was good to if you want to compare to the previous X-Men movies. The older ones aren't that smooth in my opinion. This one however was a contrary. Would recommend this movie for all. A must watch.



Phew! Just finished a project. Kind of rush too if I should say. Everything goes fine. Hope the presentation goes well today.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bedside Table

Yesterday went to IKEA to get a bedside table. I've longed fo the table since last year. But there isn't any color that match my bed frame. Until recently, I got the Bedroom Catalogue from IKEA. They have the same side table and this time it came with the color that match, which is black brown.

So after viewing the real show unit, I went to the product hall to get one. Once I reached the section and get the box, and boy was it heavy. I never thought that this thing weighs a lot. I did not bring any trolley with me. So I'm forced to carry it to the cashier. Luckily there is an IKEA worker get me a trolley.

Here is the funny part. While about to pay my purchase, the cashier said why I'm still standing there as the table has been paid. Then I got question marks all over my head. The reason is the cashier thought I was with the person in front and hence charges my purchase on him. The guy in front of me was surprised too and had to get the refund.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Watchful Eyes

Oh gosh! So many deadlines coming in the end of the month. I might not be able to watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And I got 2 tickets for free. How can these projects treat me like that! I need to watch it!!!


Bitter Sweet Part 3

After visiting the doc for the 3rd time, I have to continue medication for another 4 days. According to the doc, my recovery is almost there. Hope this batch of medication is my last. Even if I'm fully recover, I still need to continue to watch my diet to prevent my gastric arises.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bitter Sweet Part 2

After visiting the Chinese doctor for the second time, I thought that I do not have to take those awful medicine again. But I was wrong. I am not fully recovered. Instead he gave me another 4-day medication. Luckily the aroma of the medicine is not that bad compare to the first batch. I am still able to tolerate the aroma. But still I need to get back to see him yet again this Tuesday after work. Hope I am free from it.

Asian vs Western

My colleague asked me 2 questions:-

1. When your kids keep on pressing the lift, what is your reaction??
2. when your kid is drinking the swimming pool water, what is your reaction/ what should you do?

Please share your thought.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alfa Romeo Mito

Take a look a the Alfa Romeo Mito video shoot. The car looks hot! Many times hotter than my car. LOL.



总觉得没时间陪我家的小皇帝,很想很想放假来陪陪他。 很想带他到别州走走,可是单凭我一个人的力量有限。曾想过和问过自己是否可以照顾他吗?有时和他在一起会令人可拍和厌倦。这是因为他的脾气,时好时坏,很难抓摸。不管如何,光阴似剑和岁月不留人。我们要好好的珍惜每一刻每一秒,让我们一起来陪陪我们的小宝贝吧!


Bitter Sweet

Went to visit a Chinese doc 2 days ago for my gastric(windy) problem. And he gave me few packs of powderish medicine. I can't tell how awful the medicine taste. Wong Lou Kat has no fight, I mean NO FIGHT against the aroma of this. I have to take 3 packs a day for 3 days. Not a pretty site though. But I have to go through it for my health's sake. Just some of you may be wondering how it looks like. Well just imagine a fine well-grain Milo but with none of the taste of it...

Wish list

Few weeks ago found this messenger bag while surfing the net. It's from Fossil. Cool isn't it. Well, maybe to some of us only. I was about to get it until I saw the price tag at the retail shop. It cost around RM1K. That is a hefty price considering it's Fossil. Maybe it's because the Redmond Messenger Bag(the name of the bag) is made from soft genuine leather with silver-tone hardware.

It comes with an adjustable shoulder strap keeps your hands free, and multiple interior pockets let you stay organized. Now I'm still very deeply in love with this bag. Hope Fossil will have the price lowered(on SALE) and I will be the proud owner.

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四年来的改变很多,要学做人妻,母,媳妇。。好辛苦,好累。。曾经想过放弃但不舍得和不甘心。我想为人父得也不好受,要学做人夫,父,女媳,乖儿子。。而且每每会变成婆媳之间的"磨心"而遭殃的哪一位。身负重任的父亲需要承担整个家。。。 真的好累哟! 很多人说,以礼仪和不要埋怨来对待彼此是维持一段美满的婚姻和家庭直道永远。我不断的告诉自己要努力的为这个家而付出,学习。一条康庄大道是自己走出来的,但我们永远可以选择我们要走的大道是否顺畅或崎岖。路是自己选的,从不埋怨才有希望和结果。


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holiday Vacation to Japan

Went to Japan for my honeymoon on 2007. I know...I's been like 2 years ago...I get it. But since I have not have anything to update the blog, might as well tell you what I've been doing the missing days on the blog. The trip was very nice. Lots of food to eat and I tried a lot of junk foods too so to speak. Check out some of the photographs I captured during the trip.

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Today took some time to adjust my blog look and feel. Now I feel much better blogging now compare to last time which my last post was 3 years ago.

Hello guys....I'm back!!!!!

Hello everyone. After a long MIA, I'm finally back to tell my tales. Be sure to return for more updates! Cheers!